Midsummerfest TC De Meulenslag; Proceeds € 2.400! Big Thanks!

We, Jack and Hannie Op ’t Root, warmly support the Sytske Foundation and are more than willing to contribute. We are seriously making an effort to support the Foundation in collecting the necessary amount of money. Our idea is as follows: in week 27 our tennis club TC De Meulenslag will organize a special tournament. With the approval of the board all the proceeds of the catering and the bar will be transferred to the Sytske Foundation. 

We hope that the weather will be graet so we can expect to welcome as many as possible participants and public and thus be able to transfer a fair amount to the Sytske Foundation at the end of the week. Together with a group of volunteers, who sympatize with the campaign, we will do our utmost to give a boost to the donations.
